Setting support


What to expect from Communication Development Worker setting support:

  • Communication Development Worker (CDW) setting support is universal and available to all Prviate, Voluntary and Independent settings across Salford. The guidance and advice we share can be implemented with all children, not just those known to the Speech and Language Therapy service.
  • Our CDWs all have a background in early years. They may have worked in nurseries or schools in the past therefore have hands on experience.
  • We meet with room leaders and senior staff to develop areas and practice such as language in play, language in routines and vocabulary planning. We can also advise on and support Wellcomm implementation.
  • The session itself will take place in the nursery rooms with the children, therefore staff do not need to be released.
  • We will liaise with staff to identify areas of development, such as using more language at snack time.
  • We will join in the routine and observe staff, and then there will be an opportunity for staff to observe the CDW. 
  • We will have a discussion with staff to advise practical adjustments, modifications and additions that will benefit the children's language development. We may devise an action plan with you.


What we need from you:

  • Our CDWs are there to help and guide you and your practice, therefore we need you to engage and participate by observing, joining in and contributuing during feedback discussions.
  • Please consider that CDWs are there to help you, rather than work with individual children. Please work jointly with the CDW for the duration of the visit.
  • If you would like to discuss individual children, please speak with your link Speech and Language Therapist or contact the helpline on 0161 206 2509. The CDWs cannot discuss specific children at these visits.

What the EYFS says



What OFSTED say